Welcome back to another Shop your Stash Saturday!
I know that if you are seeing this, you likely have a stash of paper that you either didn’t use because you completed the first project, and didn’t get back to it, you love it and don’t want to use it, or any number of reasons.
Today I have just a bit of the “A Slice of Happy” cardmaking workshop your way. As you can see, I don’t have much of this kit left! I cannibalized it for other projects! Until this project, I had never inked up the stamp set that came with it! I love the set, and I don’t know why I didn’t use it . . . too many projects, not enough time, I think!

So, I started with the directions, and had to adjust, since I didn’t have as much paper as it called for! Just one sheet of 12×12 B&T, 1 sheet of whisper cardstock, and a partial piece of sapphire cardstock.
I wanted some of both cards, and wanted more that just 2 of each, so . . . math time it was! I figured out that I could get 4 cards of each design with what paper I had! Woohoo!!
So, here’s what I did:
From my 12×12, I cut 3 pieces that were 3 3/4 x 12.
Then, I cut 2 of those pieces into 5 1/4 x 3 3/4 pieces, which gives you four pieces.
From the remaining 3 3/4 x 12 piece, I cut 4 pieces that were 1 1/4 x 3 3/4, and four pieces that were 1 1/2 x 3 3/4.
You should have a couple of scraps that are 1 x 3 3/4. Cut each of these to 1/2 x 3 3/4.
You are all done cutting the B&T piece! Yaay!
Now, for the Whisper, I cut a 4 x 12 strip and cut that down to 3 x 4, which gives you four pieces.
Then I cut another 4 x 12 piece, and cut that down to four pieces that were 1 1/2 x 4.
Now the sapphire. For that one, all I did was cut four pieces that were 3/8 x 4.
Oh, the white daisy might be important too, yes? Four pieces that are 2 3/4 x 3 3/4 and four pieces that are 4 x 1 3/4. Plus a scrap that is about 4 x 4, to stamp the stars on.
Then, it’s just as easy as just layering all of the pieces together to make the cards!

These cards came together very quickly! The longest part was the coloring of the pizza!

So, shop your stash! Complete a project that you have just set aside for ‘another time’, crunch some numbers and do something like I did, or mix it up and do both!

I bet you can find something that needs to be done! Show me when you complete it! I would love to see!
Thanks for stopping by!

Oh, and yes, I have a few more tiny scraps, but that makes me happier than a 12 x 12 sheet that is doing nothing!