Wood You Rather?

Welcome to another H2H challenge! This week’s challenge is all about “Wood”! I know we have some great examples for you this week!

Today, I have some Timber paper that has moved to the Online Only portion of our websites, but I do love the wood paper on it so much! (I was going to use a new product, but it hasn’t arrived yet!)

These cards come from my Cards for Guys class (with NO stamping!)! They are SUPER fun! I loved putting them together! In this class you have two cards per basic design, however each card is just a bit different. And, did you see, NO STAMPING! Incredible, right??

Now, after you see these cards, you will have to let me know which is YOUR favorite!

As you can see, these cards have the same basic set up, however are very different in looks! I used one brad and a bit of silver embellishing thread for the left one, and some extra foam tape and a wood arrow from the Wooden Arrows Assortment.

I did cut the mountain sticker a bit, so that it would fit in the ‘photo frame’, but I don’t think it’s terribly noticeable, do you?

Look at that wood paper! It totally looks like it has dimension, itself! (it doesn’t, but it looks like it does!)

So, tell me, which “Wood you rather?” 😉

I would love it if you left me a comment! Then, play along with the challenge! You have the whole month to do so!

More info on the class coming shortly, so make sure to watch for it!

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