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Scraps in the Backyard?

The newest challenge over at H2H is “In the Backyard”.  You could take that any number of ways, however most of us are using the Backyard Bliss paper packet!  It’s such a fun paper, and I have so many projects coming up for you guys in the next few days!  I can’t wait to show you!

Onto today’s project!  I totally forgot to take a photo of the scraps that I was working with, I wish I had, but I will have a process video for you, soon!  It shows what I started with!

ANYWAY . . . Everything that I used on this card was scraps!  (except the card base and envelope!)  I LOVE being able to use up all of my bits and pieces!  (especially when it turns out super cute!)

I had the torn up pieces left from the scrapbook workshop that is coming out, the stickers are from the sticker sheet, more pieces that didn’t make it into that workshop!  The flowers are all from the paper board compliments, that I used the Purple Blend Tri-Blend marker on.  And the kraft paper was the perfect width, I just had to trim the length!

This card went together really very quickly!  it took more time to color the flowers than it did to do the whole rest of the card!  You have to love it when it comes together super quickly!

I would LOVE to know what you think about this card!  And if you decide to play along with the H2H challenge this time!  (remember, it’s “In the Backyard” not “Scraps”!)

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Until next time, be crafty!

Michelle's Signature

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