Category Archives: Kids & Family

Sometimes I will share about my Kids and Family

Gifts from the Heart with H2H

Have you been watching the Crafting with Santa series?  It happens every Wednesday on my FB page.  Santa joins me and we craft a little something, that is a surprise to him until right then!

This last week we made these adorable little treat holders!  I even shared the design space file for it!  Makes it even easier!


The red and pink ones were the samples, and we made the green ones in the video!  I love how well they turned out!  Head over and watch the video and join in on the crafting with Santa!

Brides to be!

So, today I went to my first Bridal shower ever! Are you amazed? I know I am! So, I was freaking out about what to get/make for my sister in law, Kristina. I don’t know her all that well (I feel like I should know her much better, since we’ve been in the same family now for the last 22 years . . . . ).

I was going to do some scrapbook pages, but didn’t know if she scrapbooked. Then I was going to do a mini album, but didn’t know if she would like it. Then was going to make some Anthro knock offs (because I found some that were awesome!!) . . but didn’t know what colors she liked to wear.

So, then I came to the decision that I would make a memo board for her, and of course, the card too. Her wedding colors are chocolate and champagne, and I am going to guess those are her favorite colors too (but I could be wrong!). The stuff on her registry are blacks and espressos . . . so . . . I went with that color scheme. (she had some towels or linnens on there that had a blue in them, so I used that to)

So, I made this memo board that is partly metallic, partly cork board, and a spot for a saying (or photos or whatnot).


And of course, I had to have an awesome card to go with. Not just any ol’ card . . . an awesome one! So, I went searching through my ‘ideas’ folder, and found a beautiful card by Teneale Williams. Here is her card:


Isn’t it gorgeous?? You can find her blog >>here< <. Her blog is one that I must visit daily! Beautiful cards! Wonderful inspiration!!! Anyway, you can see that I did a lot of following, but a bit of difference. Because I had the dress on the front, I decided that I didn't need more ribbon to distract from it.

The inside I decided needed to be decorated, but not overbearing. (and I forgot to get a photo BEFORE I wrote in it! LOL) I wanted to incorporate the dress form from the front too. This is what I came up with!

So, I hope you liked what you saw today!


All products used are CTMH (unless otherwise noted):
White & Chocolate cardstock
Sweetheart paper
January Stamp of the month
Chocolate ink
Itty Bitty sparkles
(non CTMH: material for dress & brown ribbon)

Memo Board
Cocoa & Parchment Cardstock
both papers from the came paper pack (unfortunately, I don’t recall which it was)
Top bracket paper from specialty pack, that was a short term offer
Brackets on side and corkboard: CTMH chipboard covered with papers
liquid glass
(non CTMH: magnets, cork board, frame

Christmas Tree Decorating

I know, you are thinking . . . whaaaaat??? LOL I decided to go digi today in my creating, and so went with some Christmas Tree Decorating photos! 🙂

I used a template from Ellie Lash, a kit from Pixie Mama with a string from the DRS December collab, and an alpha from Key of D designs. The kit was actually a 4th of July type kit, but I think it worked pretty good!

And today makes 5/5 days of crafting! I didn’t share yesterday’s because it was just a little bit creative for my CTMH binder cover.

Merry Christmas!

I hope all of you and your families are having a wonderful day!

My kids waited until 7:55 to come and get us up to do presents this morning. I think that’s pretty good! And you would have thought that Audrey was on crack, with the amount of spazzing that she was doing! LOL The opening of the presents was done by 8:45! LOL

Breakfast has now been eaten, all is quiet in the house with the kids playing with their new toys.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

At Grandma’s

So, I decided to scrap tonight! These are some more pictures from Grandma’s house, when the kids were making cookies! This time I used Band Geek Design’s Holly Jolly kit! Isn’t it just adorable? A fun mix of felt and paper and ribbons!


And here’s her awesome kit!


{image clickable to the store to get this awesome kit!!}