Cloud 9 Blog Hop

Hi hoppers! I hope you are finding some great things along the way!! You should have arrived here from Nikka’s blog. If you get lost along the way, Melinda has the full list HERE.

Have you seen the new special for January? It’s GREAT!! You get some sneak peeks as to what is going to be in the new Idea Book (that goes live Feb 1), plus some exclusive papers and a FULL D SIZE Stamp set! Just $15 with a qualifying $35 order! It’s worth $46 just by itself!!

I didn’t get a chance to get photos of my additional cards in the daylight today, so I will get them posted in the morning!

Next in the hop list, you will be visiting Michelle’s blog. (yup, there’s a few of us around!)

Until next time, make sure to enjoy some craftiness in your day!


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