Hostess Gift

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! I know that my Canadian friends were celebrating on the 1st, my US friends were celebrating yesterday, and my other nation friends were celebrating, just because it was the weekend! LOL!!

We were invited to a BBQ this weekend, at one of KC’s friends from High School. We went and had a blast talking about old teachers and dumb things kids do! LOL I needed a hostess gift to give to the friend, so put one together real quick! (forgive the photos, they were taken at the BBQ with my iphone!)

I used the wonderful You & Me kit (that I am hoping will be in the new idea book!!)

Super simple! I just made a little box with the colonial white cardstock. Wrapped the ribbon around the box. Stamped and cut out the sentiment, and 2nd generation stamped the flourishes on the corners. I wrapped a couple of packages of popcorn with one of the other papers. (I love that both sides are full color!) I punched a hole with the 1 1/4″ punch at the top to hang it from the pop bottle. This was so fun to make! (I just hope they drink sprite!)

Some of you know, we recently got a couple of kittens. They are from 2 different litters (obviously) and are so adorable! Zozo is all black, well mostly all black, with some dark grey ‘tiger stripes’ on her back . . not sure if those will stay, as they are on her downey fluff! She loves to be on KC’s desk, right in this spot! LOL (even though she is Kami’s kitty)

Otis looks like a melted creamscicle! hahahaha! She is a big ol fluff ball! She was abandoned by her family (kitty and human), and was rescued by another family. They fed her for a bit, but I don’t think they had her long before we got her. She was all skin and bones and fluff! You could (and still can) feel every bone in her little body! We thought she could/would eat the hard kitty food, but she didn’t. When we got her the wet kitty food, you would have thunk that she hadn’t eaten in weeks! (she does that every time we open one, btw, so that hasn’t gone away). She is getting much better at not being skittish (which is a good thing) but still does NOT like Baxter!

And, one last one, for good measure! Yesterday was a gorgeous day! The skies were clear, it was warm, but there was a breeze! On my way to the fireworks stand (the fundraiser for Angelique’s grad night party), I had to snap this photo! This is Mt. St. Helens, off in the distance. (again, snapped with my iphone!)

And, you all know who Becky Higgins is, right? Well, she is having a super big give away week! You just have to go reply to her blog posts each day saying what you want to win. All of the winners will be announced on Monday! So, with her big giveaway, I thought I would have one of my own! Only, instead of just 10 winners a day, I thought I would reward everyone! Check it out!

Just click the link on the right side of the blog, and you will be taken to shop online! (want to pay with cash or a check, just let me know, and we can meet up or you can mail it to me!)


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