15 day Countdown: Day 11

So, I like to have paper with me at all times, so I can jot down ideas for cards or pages, things I need to do, people I need to call, and all those daily sorts of things! Usually I have slips of paper, and those get lost amongst the receipts that are in the bottom of my purse. Does that happen to you?

Well, I got one of these journals, and I LOVE it!! The papers are not lined, so you can do all sorts of drawing or doodling in it, as well as writing any lists or letters or whatnot. The really great thing about it, is that it has a little ‘page protector’ on the front! So you can make a little mini card/layout to go on the front! So you can show your creativity, or the season, or the month, or even just the week! 🙂

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I highly suggest them to any and everyone!!


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