Spring time Mini Layout

So, as you know, my mini layouts have been geared towards the trip that hubby and I did to NYC. Sometimes that becomes a bit difficult, but other times not so much. This time, Danielle and I chose this layout to be inspired by. It’s in a Traveler’s notebook, which is a different size than our mini albums. So, I was looking at the colors, the layout, all the little pieces.

When we were there, we happened upon the Easter Bonnet Parade! Totally unexpected event! Neither of us had ever heard of an Easter Bonnet Parade before! (and we had come upon people after the parade, as they were slowly dispersing, so it was a hat here and a hat there, and then more and more, and then found out what was going on!)

I don’t know if/what we got photos of (I didn’t consult the photo folder before making this page!) but I am hoping that we got at least a few! If nothing else, we will have something to journal on! LOL!!

I know it’s plain, kind of, at this point, but I want to get the photo on here before I add the title or embellishments (just in case I don’t have any photos that will work for what I want!)

Oh, that photo size, looks weird, right? I was going to do a 3×4, but then decided I wanted to have more space, so it’s a 3×6! I’m sure I can find something that I can chop off 1″ on the long end!

I would love to know what you think! Will you be playing along? Can you name the papers in this page? Leave me a note below, I would love to hear what you have to say! Then make sure to hop over to Danielle’s blog to see what she came up with for this page!

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