Monthly Archives: April 2010

Studio J!

{Click image for larger view}

Do you have your calendar handy? How about a red pen? No? Well, I’ll wait a minute while you grab one. Got them? I hope so because this is a RED LETTER DAY…as in Letter “J.” Studio J that is!

I am here to announce (horns and trumpets please) the customer release date of Close To My Heart‘s AMAZING new digital scrapbooking program, Studio J. The layout you see here (click on it to view larger) was made by little old me during our consultant testing period. Trust me, you’re going to LOVE this! Our tagline is: Real life. Real scrapbooks. Real time.

You are going to want to carefully read this whole post. It will be worth every juicy little tidbit!

To answer a few commonly asked questions:

Q: Well, get on with it Michelle! When is the release date?
A: TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010. 8 AM MDT.  (Hey!  That’s Today!!) Just go to my website ( and there will be a tab added that day for Studio J. Click there and you can begin playing…for FREE! You pay NOTHING unless you order some layouts. Putting them together is TOTALLY FREE! I love free! In the meantime, if you haven’t watched the Studio J introductory video yet, click here to do it!

Q: I LOVE traditional scrapbooking. Will Studio J take away from that?
A: Absolutely NOT! There is room for both in your life. I am living proof. I love them both for totally different reasons. I love the artistic feel of hands on paper and embellishments. I love the speed and ease and professional look of Studio J. Plus, you can always order Studio layouts and then add a few ‘lumpy bumpies’ of your own once they come if you have a serious need to do the tactile thing.

Q: I am not a traditional kind of scrapbooker. I have been scrapbooking digitally for years. Is Studio J something that I will like?
A: No doubt about it! As you know, I am an avid digital scrapbooker, so I know my schtuff! This is by far the best way out there, without having to purchase a program and all the other schtuffs! (paper, buttons, ribbon, glue, etc.)

Q: So seriously, how much does it cost?
A: There is NO COST to use the program. You have no software or hardware to purchase or download. Unless you make a layout (defined as a two page 12 x 12 layout) and decide to purchase it, there is absolutely no cost. Once you decide to purchase, each 2 page layout is introductory priced at $12.95. That is WAY below the industry average! And, if you purchase 5-9 two-page layouts at a time, CTMH will throw in 5 free page protectors. 10 or more and you get FREE SHIPPING, as well as a package of 5 page protectors for every 5 layouts in the order. Cool beans! Once ordered, Close To My Heart prints your layouts on high quality photo paper (I wish you could see the quality of my photographed layouts above in person) and sends them to you.

Q: What if I make a layout and want to save it and purchase it with a group of layouts at a later date?
A: No worries, girlfriend! That is actually the smart way to do it anyway. CTMH will save your projects for 90 days. And, every time you make a purchase your 90 days start over. So, say you make several layouts and then purchase them on day 80. Your 90 day clock starts over. They are saved again. Totally awesome! On top of all of that, CTMH even emails you periodically to remind you where your project clock is.

Q: In a nutshell, how does this “Studio J” thing work?
A: In a nutshell, these are the steps to creating an amazing 2 page layout:

  • upload some of your favorite photos
  • choose from one of the 54 awesome kits (including most of your faves from our Idea Books plus some that are exclusive to Studio J).
  • choose a layout pattern. There are MANY to choose from. They are like the patterns you’ll find in our wonderful “how to” books like Cherish, Imagine, Reflections. The possibilities are endless because all the patterns you can choose from can be rotated 3 ways and flip flopped.
  • now personalize! You get to drop your photos in, add text, choose cardstock and background and texture papers from the kit, add accessories (just about every accessory item you can imagine!), distressing, titling, MyStickease, and so much more.
  • save and/or buy your layout(s).

Q: If I’m not the techiest of techies, or even techie at all, will I be able to do this?
A: YES! This program is great for techies and non-techies alike. The program is VERY intuitive. I only had to refer to the user’s guide/help document one time while I was creating my layouts.

I am SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED about this program. I know you are going to love it.

If you have any questions, I am MORE than happy to answer them. Email me at If you have lots of friends who love digital, you might even want to consider signing up to be a Close To My Heart Consultant with your own website so that you can make money (cha-ching) while they fall in love with Studio J! You can do that right now while you are waiting for Tuesday. Just click HERE, then on “Your Opportunities” and then follow the prompts. You can become a Close To My Heart Consultant for as little as $99!

Events & Facebook “likes”

I made a page for my CTMH on Facebook today! Come check it out! I’m having a contest, when I hit 25 “likes”, I will have a random drawing for a set of 5 cards with a cute purse to hold them in! It will be perfect to use as a little gift for a friend or teacher! So, come on, you know you want to ‘like’ me!!

I also added a bunch of events to that page, and they will be so fun! I’ve also included info on how to have a Mail Box party! Perfect for those friends that are too far away to come to my workshops, but really want to make the stuff we are making! Check out the facebook page for more information!

There will be a BINGO held the end of June, this will be so much fun! Bingo, free prizes, plus projects too! What could be better??

Come on over and take a look, you know you want to!

Moms & kids workshop

We had a blast!! We did 4 cards, and the kids (under 7) were done at card #3, so I will know how to adjust that! But, here are the cards that I made as the previews and the cards I made during the workshop with everyone else!

This was the one that we did first, and was probably the hardest of them all to complete, but I think they turned out REALLY cute!

We did this one second, and everyone had a blast choosing which candles they were going to use!

This is what we did third. I used the brown as the preview, and let people know that they could do either side for their color. The chocolate ribbon would have worked perfectly, however, I didn’t have any! LOL So, blue it was!

And this was last but not least! The moms made the ones for the kids, since they were done done done! In one, I did the scallop where the card naturally ended. On the other, I cut off some of the card, and then did the scallop, and you can see a bit more of the white from the inside. I like that a bit better I think!

Supplies used all CTMH!
papers: topstitch & boom di ah
Ribbon: Z1124 Ribbon Rounds: Heavenly Blue, 3/4 inch White grosgrain ribbon
inks: archival black, sunflower yellow, key lime, blush
C1394 Candlelight
B1336 Somthin’ Special
D1407 Piece of Cake (Feb SOTM)

How heartwarming is this!?!

One of the big charity things that Close to My Heart does is Operation Smile. You have probably heard about it before, but what they do is bring surgeons to countries that don’t have that availiability readily available, and they help kids. Most of the kids have cleft plate and/or similar issues. Jeanette (the founder of Close to My Heart) shared an email and a photo on her blog a few weeks ago. The email is from someone at Operation Smile, and the photo is kids from Rowanda. Very heartwarming, you should go and check it out!

Jeanette’s Blog

Maybe at the next workshop, when you place an order, round up your order to the nearest dollar, and send your change to Operation Smile.

Card Envy!

So, we had a team meeting today with my CTMH group. I got to meet my grandma upline for the first time, after emailing for some time off and on! She is so sweet, as are all the other ladies! There was even a little bitty baby there! But, I didn’t get any photos of him! LOL

As you saw yesterday, today we were to bring 6 cards to swap (if we wanted). So, I made my 6 cards. They were pretty plain, so to speak. and when I got to the meeting and saw all the other ones, they are VERY newbish! Ugh! Talk about total card envy!! *sigh* anyway, I promised photos!! Soooo . . here goes nothing!

This is the card that I made for the swap:

Here are a couple more shots of the box that I made, after I jazzed it up a bit. It needs a jewel or something in the flower, but I don’t have any yet, so that will have to wait!

And just for a few better photos, here is the April Stamp of the Month card that I made the other day.

And, HERE are the cards that the other ladies made (that I got . . . . there were a few cards that I didn’t get, that were GORGEOUS!!)

This was done by Debbie

This was done by Cathy

This was done by Wendy

This was done by Amanda (she’s a newbie, just joined CTMH in January!)

This was done by Danielle

And, here are the three cards that we made today!

The bear is a bit blurry because the watercolor pen had a bit too much water in it, so it blurred the stamp lines.

We also made a little “brag book” (that I have one more page than everyone else in) but I couldn’t figure out how to get a good photo of it! LOL It’s really neat and uses the same brown papers as you see on the cards that we made.

There are definitely some new stamps I need to get, and some people that need to come to some workshops so that we can make them!! They are CUTE and FUN!!! (and totally easy too!!!)

Creative day

Today was a long day . . . well, yesterday? It’s 1:30 Saturday morning, and I just finished with my cards and cleaning up. I sorted all of my CTMH stuffs, and they are grouped, for the most part. Stamps, blocks, elements/ribbons, papers, scrap papers, previous projects, punches, writing utensils. Soooooo much stuff!! I definitely need to figure out how to organize these things!

Anyway, I will get photos tomorrow . . well .. . later today . . . to show you the cards that I made. I will be getting others too, and I am sure they will be quite inspiring! (having some doubts on my card quality compared to what might be there!)

I hope you all had a creative day today as well! If not, then be creative over the weekend! It is so fun, and helps the brain in so many ways!

Card Workshops

I have 2 new workshops up on my Close to my Heart page! If you like to make cards, and want to spend some fun time with other adults, come join me! The cards will be cute, there will be pizza (at one), and it will be a blast!!

You can find my workshop calendar here –> Crafty Michelle <--

Blog Train Freebie, Cards, & more!!

Hello all!!! I have LOTS of stuff for you today!! (so the post might get a little long, my apologies!) I’ve been busy busy busy!!

First, I have to share my little card that I made! This little thing uses April’s Stamp of the Month from Close to my Heart (ask me how to get it!) and the Emporium level 2 paper pack, and brown, pink, and green inks. It’s a little 3×3 card, and it just worked so perfectly! I just need to make a little envelope for it, and it’s ready to be given away! (excuse the photos, my real camera is dead, so these are from my phone)
Card front


Have you seen the collab kit available at Digiridoo for April? Oh my goodness!! It’s called Hanging the Moon, and it is absolutely gorgeous! (and HUGE!) AND . . . It’s FREE (did you see that, FREE!!) with any purchase at the DRS store! Anything! and it will automatically be added to your cart at check out! Check these out!
elements 1
elements 2

So, head on over to the store and pick up some great things! I’ll have a new kit available soon! Keep an eye out for that too!!


The Easter Bunny is on Holiday!!

Not that you didn’t know that, since Easter was Sunday, but a group of us (Caryn’s CT) thought it would be cool to put together a little blog hop train for you! LOTS of cute freebies for you, so make sure to check out everyone’s page! (some might still be getting their’s up, so if you don’t see it right away, make sure to check back for it!)

Here’s my portion!
{download here}

I do hope you enjoy it! I had fun making it! Leave some love if you download it (so that I can believe that people actually like my stuff) Included in my part of the download are 5 papers, 1 frame, 1 post card, 2 eggs, and 1 border.

Here are the other spots to go visit!!




Michelle < -------------- You are here Beth

