Tag Archives: Bear

H2H Product Challenge: Slimline Cards

Hey everyone!  Happy Monday!  Today over at H2H, our challenge is to use one of the new products that CTMH carries, Slimline cards!  Now, this card style is not new, but it has come around again in popularity.  They are so fun to make!  You may remember the one that I did some time ago, with the boy and his balloons?  I thought it turned out super cute!

Anyway, while this doesn’t necessarily give you more card space, it totally changes how and what you can do with it!  If you wanted to send a paper gift certificate or cash, this is the perfect style card for that, you won’t have to fold it or anything!

This card was sooooo fun to put together!  It uses a variety of different stamps and dies!  Can you guess what they are?  (before scrolling down to see!)  I will be doing a FB live to put this same card together at 5pm Pacific time over on my FB page.  Come and join me, and put one together yourself!

CTMH Products Used: